State of the Dread: Sept 24-30

September 24, 2003, I started my mission.

This picture was taken about six weeks later in Anaheim, after I got my visa to go to Spain. I’m the goober on the right.


Getting Sheriff Porter ready to ship. Not much new generation other than that. Once the campaign is fulfilled, it’s full steam ahead on SST.


OOF big week for reading, and not all of it was good. This coming week will also check a lot of titles off the list, September is going to have a huge count ahead of the October rush.


Working on BTBC art, also picking away at some Inktober sketches with the kids. Didn’t really do the SST cover and won’t finish it until SP is fulfilled.


New Radcracker, as one does. It’s the 300th episode, only 14 left.

Subscribe on AppleGoogle, or Spotify. The new channel will be called The Graham Hammer and I’ll have a link to it in the coming weeks so you can subscribe early.


Lots of filming this week, and prep for the launch of the Brother Trucker Book Club video show. I can already tell that my current plan isn’t going to work–I don’t have the time to script stuff, record audio, generate visuals, edit, and post every single week. I’ll blow my monkey loving brains out. So I will just outline it and run it as a clip show instead, filmed in my shop, keeping the tracks condensed.

If you don’t want to subscribe to the YouTube channel, do check out the Rumble version.


Got back down under 214, woot woot. Took the week off from pushups though, I was hurting myself. Too much work and not enough rest. PectoCracker currently sits at 20,100.

Feeling pretty good otherwise. Gonna keep chugging away at it.

Get back to work.

State of the Dread: Sept 17-23

I’m ambivalent on The Big Bang Theory yet YT Shorts thinks it’s 48% of what I want to see.


Not quite hitting my 500 words/day aspiration, but I did write up a lot of worldbuilding for Intrepids. It’s coming together well. Gotta iron out a few details but I like it.

Also I clawed my way out of PDF Hell with an Alighieri-ian effort, and I should be able to order the Sheriff Porter paperback this week. Finally.


Didn’t quite finish five books last week, only four. Had a bit of burnout there. This week I have some big chonkers to get through. I might try to knock out a long Speechify book but not on my long routes, I’m already mad those days.


Thumbnail work on a Silas Proctor novella. Man I love to draw and I love getting better at it.


New Radcracker, only 15 left.  Subscribe on AppleGoogle, or Spotify. The new channel will be called The Graham Hammer and I’ll have a link to it in the coming weeks so you can subscribe early.


Launched my review of MHM: FEVER and it’s doing well. Also, the channel hit the monetization milestone, which feels great. Thank you to everyone who watches my videos, I’m finally getting a little cash for that!


Did okay here, weight’s holding, tallied another 600 pushups, lost some energy at week’s end (racked up almost 60 hours at work.) I did another 150 this morning so the count is 20k, but last week I only got to 19,850. Boo.

Still, we’re not quite 75% of the way through the year and I’m at 80% of the goal. Gotta keep coming in over 500 and I’ll make it.

Get back to work. You’re not getting younger, you’re just getting fatter.

State of the Dread: Sept 10-16


Wrote for the Stacks and got SHERIFF PORTER dialed in. I think I need to make one more adjustment on the cover and it should pass muster.

This week I’m setting a goal to write daily, even if it’s just 500 words. My actual writing production is very start-and-stop. It’s time to be getting stories on paper.


Big week for reading. I found another best-of-year book, HACKING GALILEO by Fenton Wood. The review is going live on CrackerStack this week. It goes live one day after this update posts, so if that link doesn’t go anywhere, try back tomorrow.

Next week I’m blitzing a book per day. I expect my mind will be raw hamburger by the time it’s done, but I don’t care. I’m the Truckernaut.


Doodled a little bit for Inktober prep, nothing serious. Thumbnail for SST isn’t ready to post yet.


New Radcracker. Only 16 of these left and then we switch to the new format.  Subscribe on AppleGoogle, or Spotify.


I found a LitRPG that was fun to read, the video’s doing well too.


Threw down 550, not the 750 I was hoping for. Dealt with some injuries and yet another schedule change at work. Really hope it’s the final one. No significant weight change either. Dammit.

PectoCracker is now at 19,250. If I can stick to my rhythm this week and do 150/day, then we’re cracking 20, and that feels good.

Almost as good as getting back to work. Bye.

State of the Dread: Sept 3-9

Boomer Sooner! OK State went on to win 27-13.


A lot of site-writing, not a lot of book writing. The fourth proof (I had to order another) for SHERIFF PORTER came in and it’s 95% ready. This week is about finishing touches and commencing fulfillment.


We’re in September now. My August recap is on CrackerStack. Last week wasn’t great for reading, but this week I’m doing a lot of Speechify stuff to catch up on indie projects that I’ve been neglecting.


Didn’t get any done here. This week I’m going to start the SST cover once I have the Sheriff Porter fulfillment stuff knocked out.


New Radcracker. Subscribe on AppleGoogle, or Spotify.

Speaking of Radcracker…I’m not sure what to do about it going forward. Ever since the app stopped being “Anchor” and became “Spotify for Podcasters,” my listens are EXTREMELY suppressed. Like, 25% of what they used to be. For the time I spend uploading to the podcast app, I could be putting those clips somewhere else. I’m brainstorming whether (and how) to end the show there just because it isn’t really profitable as an outlet.


Busy week on the channel, I had a few modest ones, but the biggie was my recap of SON OF THE BLACK SWORD by Larry Correia. He and his publisher both reposted it on X, so it got a boost. The writeup is over at Upstream. I’m doing this for each book in the series (House of Assassins is on my reread list for next week.)

Anyway, the channel continues to grow. My Red Rising recap is up to 4k views, and I now have five videos with over 1k views, and a few more climbing the ladder. It feels good. I’ll be at the basic monetization level in a few weeks.


Knocked out 670 pushups last week, bringing the #PectoCracker total up to 18,700. We’re cracking 19 this week, boys!

Weight is still locked at 215, but the wife finally wore me down about my sleep schedule and I think changing back to something more regular will help a lot, especially with a 12-hour window. I also spent a premium on food this week for stuff with real ingredients, because our government hates us and wants everyone to buy cheap stuff made of soy and corn, so here we are.

Anyway, I’m going to do an additional 750 pushups this week, lose 2 lbs, and workout in the shop with my kids at least once.

Quit being fat, get to work.