State of the Dread: May 28-June 3

I have been trying for a freaking week to re-do this video and my audio setup is screwed. Working on a solution.


Did more editing on HW. Also wrote an article for Upstream.

This week I’ll do another Upstream article, and two pieces for CrackerStack. If you become a paid subscriber to the Stack, the money helps me upgrade my tech. Like my [expletive] microphone.


Finished a couple of audiobooks and had some holds come in at the library. I’m re-reading GOLDEN SON right now and it’s as great as ever. Just superb.


No real progress here. I had another 57 hour week at work. On the plus side, things slow down during the summer so you’ll see some improvement here. That’s good because I need to ramp up production on HW illustrations.


New episode of Radcracker was late, but it’s there. Subscribe. AppleGoogle, or Spotify.


I recorded multiple times and the audio is all shot to heck, I cannot tell why. It appears that something in the shop might be interfering with video recording when I plug in my microphone. I bought a new microphone and its pickup quality was absolute garbage so I’m doing research on a new one. This is the kind of stuff that CrackerStack subs help me fund, so thank you.

On the plus side, I apparently can still record audio on my phone with no problem, and I can use that to make videos, so I might have to do that for the time being.


Kept my weight at 211 and added another 750 pushups to PectoCracker. I thought about doing more but we did a ton of yardwork and shopwork yesterday, my energy went there and I have the red neck to prove it.

Get back to work.

State of the Dread: May 21-27

I…may have binge-watched a show this week. Which explains why I didn’t get certain things done.


Yeah, so, uh, not much here. Read a little bit more HW to the wife, but didn’t make sufficient progress. I spent a lot of time burning through Andor before my D+ subscription ends.

Side note, in my novel BRIMSTONE there was a fictional nation called “Andor.” I came up with that name in the fall of 2016 while I was worldbuilding it. Then Rogue One came out, and there was a character with that name. Fine, no problem, until six years later when Disney SW makes a whole show about the guy. I feel like I should change that element of BRIMSTONE. Let me hear your thoughts in the comments.


A better week. I finished BLACK PRISM by Brent Weeks, TURQUOISE SERPENT by Palacios, and DRIVE by Sallis. DRIVE was awesome. It’s the basis for the movie, which I haven’t seen and likely won’t, but memes abound and they amuse me. The writing was very good and I like the main character. TURQUOISE SERPENT was mostly cool although I’m struggling to remember what all happened. It was a short Speechify book and I was in a bad mood so I missed a lot. Will probably re-listen to it down the road.

This week I’m going to finish three of the short stories in my L’Amour book, and finish the Grimm’s War trilogy. When that’s done, it’s time for GOLDEN SON again.

When June hits, I’ve got some heavy reading to review for Pr1d3 month. That’s gonna be difficult but necessary.


Nothing to post here, I’m doing thumbnails for HOWLING WILDERNESS, and finalizing the shapes of some of the newer mimics. The manticore is proving to be a challenge. I think I’m getting it, though.


New Radcracker. The listens are way down on the show and I don’t care, lol. This is just part of my habit now and I like that a few of you are loyal listeners. It’s not about monetizing everything.   AppleGoogle, or Spotify.


There are two videos I have to do this week: one is a review of RED RISING, and the other is the damn IGG video for Sheriff Porter.

Here’s my Speechify video:

See the channel for others. Last week I did a bunch of lower-effort videos (and one of them had sound issues.) Next week I’m buying a wireless microphone, the one that jacks into my audio port is just shot. One of the viewers on my otherwise great Schulz video mentioned that was a problem. Damn.


WE’RE OVER TEN THOUSAND!!! Ah crap, I missed my shot last week to say “over nine thousand.” Haha. But yeah, I did 750 pushups last week, putting the count at 10,560. By the end of July I’ll be at 1,000 per week, but that’s looking too far ahead.

This week my additional focus is on stretching. The heat and humidity are ramping up in Oklahoma and I’m starting to feel the lack of recovery. I absolutely have to hit that harder.

State of the Dread: May 14-20

This was how we had to do it, back before audiobooks.


Made it into chapter 2 of the edits on HOWLING WILDERNESS, reading it to the wife. Looking to finish chapter 3 this week.


Only finished three books, tapped out of the other two. Had a weird couple of days at the end of the week. This week I’m finishing three more, including BLACK PRISM and SHOOT THE DEVIL.


Finished interior illos for SP and formatted them into the book. This week I have to make the promo video for the crowdfunding campaign.


New Radcracker.  AppleGoogle, or Spotify.


Friday got away from me, so I’m tackling a video I’ve been meaning to make tonight. It’s my review of Speechify after using it for several months.


Got my weight back down to about 212, I changed my eating habits at work so that’s helped a lot. Also did 750 pushups, which puts #PectoCracker at 9,810. Haha. Nice. I’m hitting 10k this week!

State of the Dread: May 7-13

Summer’s coming…


Took a breather here and focused on art and other stuff. Also spent some evening hours with the missus and that’s my jam.


Finished a bunch of titles, or at least scratched them off the list. This week I’m going to read WAGER by David Grann, WRAITHBOUND by Tim Akers, WITH GRIMM RESOLVE by Jeffrey Haskell, THE SKIN MAP by Stephen Lawhead, and THE BLACK PRISM by Brent Weeks, much to the delight of Kenny Parrish.


Mostly done with the SP illustrations. One more pass and I’m on to the formatting. Should expect details of the crowdfunding campaign soon. With any luck I’ll run it in June.


New Radcracker is up. AppleGoogle, or Spotify.


I did a few videos. Make sure you’re subscribed to the channel. The LitRPG gang on YouTube make a recommendation that I will probably check out, but not this month.

And my friend Mike asked about my CB handle. I still need to do a video to answer a question from Kenny Parrish.

Anyway, next video is a review of Drinker’s first published book.


Got 520 pushups in. Friday was murder, the humidity was off the rails. It drained my energy and I slept all weekend long. Need to really stay on top of the electrolytes. PectoCracker currently stands at 9,060. I’ll do those other 40 this week, ugh. That’ll get me to 9600 if I don’t wuss out. But since it’s May I need to do 150 a day…yeah. This is gonna be a ride.