State of the Dread: Quit Being Fat Edition

Throwback to 30 year-old Graham doing this, thinking of 50 year-old Graham doing another one with his boys.


I’m a contributor at UpstreamReviews, I post weekly updates at CrackerStack, and I pick at a novel in between illustrations.

A little bit of editing, but really I pulled 60 hours at work, I didn’t have time for writing. Not with the other priorities.


Go subscribe to the CrackerStack for my weekly reading updates. If you become a paid subscriber, you’re helping me support my book habit. Thanks!

Low-volume, but a good week for reading. I know I said I would finish TOWER OF SILENCE and lo, I have not. I finished half of SHOGUN and another book called KRAKEN RIDER Z. I’m now 11 chapters in on TOWER and I’ll finish it Monday.

The real cool thing is that while I lost some time at work due to Dumb Work Things, I had my paperback of THE SILMARILLION with me, and I put a dent in my reading there for an August project. Really need to make progress there, and with the summer coming up, it should be doable.


I’m an illustrator and I post on my Instagram account. Follow me there and I will update more regularly.

Finished multiple pieces, I’m so close I can TASTE IT on this. I have 3 simple interiors left, 1 very elaborate two-page spread, and the cover (front and back). This art will be done by my birthday in July.


I have over 2,700 subscribers on YouTube. Are you one?

Several this week, and the most successful by far was this one.


The weight loss has gotten harder, while the lifting has gotten…also harder, because I’m lifting heavier. That said, I’ve only been back in the gym for a month and I’m seeing results that I like. I’ll have some really good before-and-afters when this is all done. I WILL be under 200lbs by my birthday.

Get back to work.

Author: grahambradley

Writer, illustrator, reader, truck driver.